
Showing posts from August, 2019

How to Remove a Broken Key From Your Door Lock

Have you ever faced this worst situation when you insert your key in the lock, twist it, and snap, your key breaks in half? If you’re nodding your head yes then you know how gross and scary it feels. Unfortunately, this can take place at any moment and often happens at the most inappropriate times.  Anyhow, if this happens now, you don’t need to panic. As, here is all the guidance that you need to remove the broken key from your lock using regular household things and tools.  So, let’s start the play!   Do’s and Don’ts of Such Scenario  Before anything else, you must know certain do's and don'ts in this regard. These are several things that will help you prevent additional trouble.  First of all, do not attempt to open the door with the other broken half of the key. I know this would be your first reaction, but you should not do this. The reason being, this can push the key deeper and it will become difficult to remove.  Moreover, it can also stuck the other half o